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Chane Kulche at Purani Kacheri


Photographs : Ashish

‘Whats in a name, for which you call a rose by any other name, would still smell as sweet.’

”Original Chana Point”. When asked about how he decided on the name of his shop, the reply follows the above tune.DSC_0029-001

The third generation in the business, he says, that there are now few guys are using ‘Purani Kacheri’ reference, even in different cities like Manali etc, to sell their product.


Keen in doing his business, he showed less interest in us. Reluctantly he told few facts. His grandfather Ronaki Ram Saluja, migrated to india from Pakistan. That is evident from the fact that he serves Rawalpindi Chana along with Kulchas.


The chana and the spices are cooked only with ghee. No brine or spicy water is added.

The boiled chana, mixed with spices like, Jeera, Anardana, coriander Powder, Amchur, Garam Masala, Chana Masala etc is cooked along with ghee in a copper utensil, heated over charcoal pot.DSC_0044

The chana is served with palm sized kulchas, pickled carrots, green chilly(slit) and sliced onions.


Paper plates for kulcha, foiled paper bowl for onion, thermocol for chana, newspaper cutout, all these thinks placed on a rustic wooden table gives an authentic feel to the experience.


I secretly wish that these food joints remain as such, so that the future generation to can also savour these.  Some things should remain constant against the inevitable change.

Stay Hungry Ever.